By not using qi, I follow the flow...

 "By not using qi, I follow the flow, while the other goes against the flow. One has only to follow, then softly yield. The way that softness subdues hardness is gradual, while the way hardness subdues softness is abrupt. Abruptness is easy to detect, and so it is easily defeated. It is more difficult to sense gradualness, so it often prevails. This notion of not using qi is the extreme of softness. Only the extreme of softness can produce the extreme hardness."

Cheng Man-ching's Foreward to Yang Cheng-fu's 'The Essence and Applications of Taijiquan' (Taijiquan Tiyong Quanshu), p.2 (Louis Swaim translation).

[Image: Yang Cheng-fu (back seat) with Zhao Bin (right) and Zhou Tien Sou Lin (centre).]


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