Good advice for beginners...

 Good advice for beginners:

“At the beginning of study do not speak of training the ch’i, but first develop your body, footwork, and eye techniques. It is also important not to use strength, but rather execute each posture naturally and slowly in circular dance-like movements. Coordinate the whole body into a unified whole, and then cause it to be light, lively, and perfect. Wherever there is stiffness and awkwardness release these one by one according to the postures. As you perform each posture, relax and open all the joints in the body. In this way, you will reach a marvellous level.”

Ch’ang Nai-chou’s Writings, translated in Douglas Wile ‘Tai Chi’s Ancestors’, p.129

[Image: Tung Ying Chieh in Single Whip]


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