Gia-fu Feng: Personal Cultivation and Community Building

"Move as slowly as possible, as lightly as possible, as if drawing on sil. Be tranquil like a mountain. Be alert like a cat watching a mouse. Be natural like a hawk catching a rabbit. Most of all, be aware of the flow within and without." Gia-fu Feng in 'Tai Chi - A Way of Centering & I Ching. 1970. Collier Books. One of my ongoing interests is the evolution of Taijiquan through the generations - partly why I chose the name 'Echoes of Taijiquan' - together with the transmission, development, and spread of Taijiquan outside of China. In the case of the spread of Taijiquan, I’m specifically interested in how it got to the US and UK, and there are some well known names associated with this process in the US (Cheng Man-ch'ing, T. T. Liang, and William C. C. Chen amongst others). I've only relatively recently come across the name of Gia-fu Feng (b.1919 Shanghai, d.1985 Colorado) and largely due to his translation of classic Chinese texts such as the Dao De ...